Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5 November 2008

Started the day with my usual breakfast of microwave nuked peanut butter (25 seconds) and raw oatmeal with sliced banana and a glass of 1% milk. At work today dealt with continuing computer software upgrade issues and new procedures for taking digitalized fingerprints and mug shots to submit to the state.

A long work day.


On SmartCoach schedule today was an easy paced six mile run @ 10:48 pace. Ran same on an out and back course after work averaging instead thirty seconds to the mile below what was recommended at an 10:18 pace. The outside temp for this run was unseasonably warm -around eighty or so degrees.

Overall a good relaxing run followed by post run snack of a pear with a slice of cheddar cheese and then later (after a quick shower) a supper of spinach sautéed in olive oil, a good serving of whole grain rice, and 2 small salmon fillets.


Joe said...

Exciting first post! But had to start somewhere, haha.

Pat said...

congrats on a solid 6 miler. Are you training for a particular race?

Joe said...

In the short term, the Cowtown in Fort Worth, Texas on next February 28. I plan on running the half-marathon which would be my second. After that, I plan on running the full sometime next fall. We'll see...