Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rest Day


Who doesn’t like Saturdays? Anyway, today on the SmartCoach plan is designated as a “rest or cross train day” so that’s what I’m going to plan to do –rest and cross train. So no running for today but maybe a trip to the gym later on this afternoon for a little upper body work. Slowly but surely I am beginning to see some results in that area so the old saying is true: slow and steady wins the race! So far it has anyway.

Yesterday afternoon was another planned “easy” six miler –and this time it really kinda was. It was, I’m guessing, in the low seventies and I managed to maintain a constant 10:18 pace throughout this run from beginning to end. Tomorrow, however (as Scarlet O’Hara famously once said) is another day: an eleven mile long run. It is supposed to be even cooler tomorrow per the weatherman so it should go okay. I suppose will find out then.

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